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PDF/UA examples, NOAA/NEFSC fragments

A selection of tagged tables


1 There needs to be a title at level H1, for PDF/UA-compliance.

The actual information contained herein will become available as anNOAA /NEFSC web publication.

Ross Moore

August 2022


The basic style adopted for tabular material is in accordance with the booktabs ²

²“The principal is that enforced structure of presentation enforces structured thought in the first instance.”


³U.S. Government Style Guide, 2000; tabular material

package. Supported rules are \toprule, \midrule, \bottomrule which can inherit a semantic meaning, instead of being for aesthetic appearance only. This extra semantics takes the form: Extra considerations are as follows.

Normal Table

Table 1: Comparison of reference points estimated in an earlier assessment and from the current assessment update. The overfishing threshold is the F MSYproxy ( F 40% ). The biomass target, ( SSB MSYproxy) was based on long-term stochastic projections of fishing at the F MSYproxy . Median recruitment reflects the median estimated age-1 recruitment from 1982 – 2017. Intervals shown reflect the 5 th and 95 th percentiles.
2019 M=0.2 2019M-ramp M=0.2 M-ramp
F MSY 0.173 0.175 0.173 0.175
SSB MSY (mt) 42,692 (27,916 – 62,785) 63,867 (46,144 – 84,098) 39,912 (25,472 – 59,589) 60,010 (41,916 – 80,517)
MSY(mt) 7,580 (4,853 – 11,366) 11,420 (8,149 – 15,268) 7,171 (4,462 – 11,023) 10,873 (7,439 – 14,841)
Median recruits (age-1) (000s) 4,377 (1,161 – 14,434) 8,464 (2,353 – 15,934) 4,677 (1,064 – 16,392) 9,249 (2,129 – 18,031)
Overfishing Yes Yes Yes No
Overfished Yes Yes Yes Yes

Each non-blank⟨TD⟩ data cell has a well-defined row- and column-head cell,⟨TH⟩, as indicated by the blue lines in the following annotated image.

Image: table marked-up with blue arrows denoting header cells; 1 cell selected

Normal Table with 1st column header: super row-header

When the top-left cell is non-empty, it is usually a column-header for the 1st column, which consists of row-headers. This is an example of a ‘ super header ’; that is, a header cell for other header cells . The /Scope value for this header cell is /Column , since it is a descriptor for the cells in the column placed below it. We call this a ‘row super-header’ cell, as it is located from a data-cell by tracing the headers of its row-header. Typically a row super-header cell will occur within the 1st column, though need not always be in the 1st row of the table.

When the rows would be too wide for a page, the table can be turned sideways. See the next A page for the table resulting from the following LT X source. It is rather unfortunate that EAcrobat Pro cannot correctly find the bounding boxes of the cells when a table is rotated. Although the PDF is correctly tagged, screen-reading and navigation using Assistive Technology may be affected.

Source code for a sideways table with all row and column headers

\begin{sidewaystable}[htp] \caption{Stocks reviewed at September 2021 Management Track Assessment Peer Review meeting} \centering \Cut{columnRowComment}{\columnRowTypes{1}{2}{1}{2}}% \begin[\Paste{columnRowComment}]{tabular}{p{3.75cm} p{4.5cm} p{7.75cm}}% \toprule Stock & Lead Analyst/Presenter & Peer review conclusion \\\midrule \relax\hyperlink{AtlanticCod}{Gulf of Maine cod}\newline~\enDash\,Enhanced review & \newline Charles Perretti & Under retro-adjusted $\M\!=\!0.2$ model stock is overfished and overfishing is occurring. \newline Under \Mramp\ model stock is overfished but overfishing is not occurring. \\[28pt] \relax\hyperlink{AtlanticCod}{Georges Bank cod}\newline~\enDash\,Expedited review & \newline Kathy Sosebee & \newline Stock is overfished but overfishing unknown \\\bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{sidewaystable}

Table 2: Stocks reviewed at September 2021 Management Track Assessment Peer Review meeting

Stock Lead Analyst/Presenter Peer review conclusion
Gulf of Maine cod – Enhanced review Charles Perretti Under retro-adjusted M=0.2model stock is overfishe d and overfishing is occurring. UnderM-rampmodel stock is overfished but overfishing is not occurring
Georges Bank cod – Expedited review Kathy Sosebee Stock is overfished but overfishing unknown
Image: Rotated tabular, with all column headers.

Acrobat seems to have difficulty correctly indicating the tagged material with rotation in effect.

There is no problem with the actual tagging tree; so not with text extraction for accessibility, etc.

Multiple Row Blocks

Here the data rows are divided into blocks (3 of them) each with a header cell that spans a whole row, using the \multicolumn{9}{...} command, which includes the 1st column. This creates a header cell which is essentially the column header for the 1st column (consisting of row-headers). Having a blank 1st cell in the top row is necessary for this interpretation.

Table 3: Catch and status table for Gulf of Maine Atlantic cod. All weights are in ( mt ), recruitment is in (000s), and F Full is the fishing mortality on fully selected ages. Note terminal year SSB and F Full is not retro-adjusted in this table.
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Recreational discards 103 195 151 168 334 617 340 111
Recreational landings 1,245 1,524 796 11 187 169 11 43
Commercial discards 97 54 27 14 8 16 17 7
Commercial landings 2,759 951 832 227 320 376 398 335
Catch for Assessment 4,204 2,723 1,806 420 850 1,177 766 497
Model Results ( M=0.2)
Spawning Stock Biomass 3494 1826 1145 1184 1736 2126 2314 3083
F Full 1.66 2.16 2.37 0.43 0.59 0.61 0.32 0.16
Recruits (age-1) 1606 667 2119 804 530 966 3141 1298
Model Results ( M-ramp)
Spawning Stock Biomass 4174 2288 1655 1859 2485 2776 2726 3223
F Full 1.46 1.85 1.74 0.3 0.44 0.49 0.28 0.17
Recruits (age-1) 3285 1484 4739 1699 1024 1717 5160 1981
Image: table marked-up with blue arrows denoting header cells; 1 cell selected

For greater emphasis of the different data blocks, a \midrule can precede the super-head cell, as shown below. Notice also how the /Scope of a super row-header is /Column , as its content is a qualifier for the row-header cells in the same (that is, the 1st) column, at least for the rows within the following⟨TBody⟩ block.

Table 4: Catch and status table for Southern New England Mid-Atlantic winter flounder. All weights are in ( mt ), recruitment is in ( 000s ), and F Full is the fishing mortality on fully selected ages (ages 4 and 5). Model results are from the current updated ASAP assessment.
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Recreational discards 24 18 11 8 4 13 3 2 4 2
Recreational landings 119 155 126 15 99 39 61 10 10 1
Commercial discards 153 298 482 206 64 82 125 101 108 105
Commercial landings 173 149 134 859 660 661 516 495 326 202
Catch for Assessment 469 620 752 1,087 827 795 704 608 449 310
Model Results
Spawning Stock Biomass 5,586 6,577 6,585 6,318 5,209 4,592 3,897 3,667 3,851 3,638
F Full 0.076 0.094 0.117 0.189 0.176 0.178 0.186 0.158 0.111 0.077
Recruits 6,448 4,579 4,251 2,321 4,219 4,955 5,238 3,211 6,185 3,293

Multiple Header Blocks

This example has multiple data blocks, where there is a header block explicitly specified for each. For comparison of different model results, groups of columns are associated with the different models. This gives ‘super’ column header cells, with textM =0.2 andM-ramp, spanning multiple columns using \multicolumn commands. Notice that the 1st column entry is blank on the rows where these occur, and that a \midrule comes afterwards, rather than before (as in the previous example).

Table 5: Short term projections of total fishery catch and spawning stock biomass for Gulf of Maine Atlantic cod based on a harvest scenario of fishing at the F MSYproxy ( F 40% ) between 2022 and 2024. Catch in 2020 and 2021 has been estimated at 409 ( mt) and 523 ( mt), respectively. For the M=0.2 model, a retrospective adjustment has been appiled. For the M-ramp model, projections are shown under the assumption of M=0.4 short-term natural mortality.
Year Catch (mt) SSB(mt) F Full Catch (mt) SSB(mt) F Full
M=0.2 M-ramp
2020 409 2,635 0.162 409 3,925 0.119
Year Catch (mt) SSB(mt) F Full Catch (mt) SSB(mt) F Full
M=0.2 M-ramp
2021 523 3,599 0.137 523 4,759 0.113
2022 821 4,508 0.173 919 5,254 0.175
2023 959 5,488 0.173 1,017 5,707 0.175
2024 1,244 7,279 0.173 1,306 6,802 0.175

A ‘super header’ row occurs within the⟨THead⟩ block, having a \midrule beneath. The 2nd header block is tagged as⟨TBody⟩, with a \toprule above and \midrule below. As these ‘super header’ cells come after their column-header cells, their presence must be recorded in the history/auxiliary file. This enables them to be specified as a header for the real column headers on the next run.

Image: table marked-up with blue arrows denoting header cells

Hierarchical column headers

This next example is taken from T X StackExchange E . It has a binary tree of column-header cells.

Table 6: Overzicht van de concentraties en hun standaardeviaties van pesticiden in mg/kg in de (on)behandelde wortelen en de meelwormen gekweekt op deze wortelen. Bij NA lag de concentratie onder de detectielimiet van de LCMS-MS.

Pesticiden Concentraties pesticiden ( mg/kg)
Onbehandeld Behandeld
Wortel Meelwormen Wortel Meelwormen
voor gut-loading na gut-loading voor gut-loading na gut-loading
2,4-D −4 (2.55±2.60)·10 −4 (9.73±6.39)·10 −4 (8.24±2.77)·10 8.36±0.84 −4 (5.01±0.54)·10 −4 (6.77±1.86)·10
Bentazon NA NA −5 (1.59±2.76)·10 0.92±0.12 NA NA
Bifenthrin −3 (1.66±0.15)·10 −3 (2.84±1.15)·10 −3 (3.04±1.30)·10 0.81±0.10 −3 (2.22±0.77)·10 −3 (1.93±0.15)·10
Clopyralid −5 (9.18±0.15)·10 NA −5 (4.61±7.99)·10 1.75±0.16 −2 (1.07±0.69)·10 −3 (6.84±2.40)·10

Use of \multicolumn within the⟨THead⟩ in such a (binary) tree-like fashion allows the whole structure to be deduced in a single pass. Subsets of columns for one row are refined into smaller subsets on the next row. Each larger subset establishes a ‘super-column header’ for all the header cells below it. Singleton sets define the column-header for the data cells in that column. Thus each cell, head or data, has a well-defined column header at the time it is processed.

Image: table marked-up with blue arrows denoting the hierarchy of header cells; 1 cell selected

Multiple row-header columns

A calendar, or Meeting schedule, also has structured row headers, but only needs a single⟨TBody⟩ block. Row headers occur within the 2nd column, with the 1st column having the occasional ‘super’ row-header amongst mostly blank cells.

Day/Date Time Activity Lead
Monday, September 13 9:00am Welcome/Introductions Michele Traver
9:15am Background/AOPReview Russ Brown
10:00am Gulf of Maine Cod Charles Perretti
11:00am Review/Discussion Review Panel
11:15am Public Comment Public
11:30am Lunch
12:30pm Gulf of Maine Cod cont. Charles Perretti
2:30pm Public comments Public
3:00pm Adjourn
Tuesday, September 14 9:00am Welcome/Logistics Michele Traver
9:15am Georges Bank Cod Kathy Sosebee
10:30am Break
1:00pm Georges Bank Cod cont. Kathy Sosebee
2:30pm Adjourn
Wednesday, September 15 10:30am Review Panel findings Review Panel
12:00pm Georges Bank Cod Kathy Sosebee
Image: Schedule with day and time for activity and lead speaker.

Redundant/weak column headers

It is poor style to have long-winded headers, perhaps using multiple cells instead of just a single cell. However, this is not a good reason for failing to correctly identify what is a header for what other cell(s).

Here is such an example, based upon one of the earlier tables (now set in portrait).

Table 7: Stocks reviewed at September 2021 Management Track Assessment Peer Review meeting

Fishing Lead Analyst Peer review conclusion
Stock or Presenter from this meeting
September 2021
Gulf of Maine cod – Enhanced review Charles Perretti Under retro-adjusted M=0.2model stock is overfishe d and overfishing is occurring. UnderM-rampmodel stock is overfished but overfishing is not occurring.
Georges Bank cod – Expedited review Kathy Sosebee Stock is overfished but overfishing unknown

The figure below shows how there are really 3 rows of headers, having content that looks like a single phrase when read vertically. With each new successive row, each non-empty cell inherits the rôle of being a column header, from the cell immediately above.

Image: table marked-up with blue arrows denoting hierarchy of header cells, having weak headers; 1 cell selected

A drawback with this approach is that the information from these (weak) header cells is collected in reverse of the natural reading order. Thus it would be conceptually better to use single p-style cells, within a single row of header cells.