Publications of Ross Street
0. PhD Thesis: Homotopy Classification of Filtered
Complexes, University of Sydney, August 1968.
1. (with E. Dubuc) Dinatural transformations, Lecture Notes in Math. 137
(1970) 126--137; MR43#313.
2. Projective diagrams of
interlocking sequences, Illinois J. Math.
15 (1971) 429--441; MR43#4881.
3. The formal theory of monads, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 2 (1972) 149--168; MR45#8701.
4. Two constructions on lax
functors, Cahiers de topologie
et g\'eom\'etrie diff\'erentielle 13 (1972) 217--264; MR50#436.
5. Homotopy
classification of filtered complexes, J.
Australian Math. Soc. 15 (1973)
298--318; MR49#5135.
6. (with R.F.C. Walters) The
comprehensive factorization of a functor, Bulletin
American Math. Soc. 79 (1973)
936--941; MR49#10753.
7. (with G.M. Kelly) Review of
the elements of 2-categories, Lecture
Notes in Math. 420 (1974) 75--103;
8. Fibrations
and Yoneda's lemma in a 2-category, Lecture Notes in Math. 420 (1974) 104--133; MR53#585.
9. Elementary cosmoi
I, Lecture Notes in Math. 420 (1974) 134--180; MR50#7290.
10. Limits indexed by
category-valued 2-functors, J. Pure Appl.
Algebra 8 (1976) 149--181;
11. Internally complete
2-categories, Notices American Math. Soc.
23#5 (Aug.1976) Abstract 737-18-7.
12. (with R.F.C. Walters) Yoneda structures on 2-categories, J. Algebra 50 (1978)
350--379; MR57#3214.
13. Cosmoi of internal categories, Transactions American Math. Soc. 258 (1980) 271--318; MR82a:18007.
14. Fibrations
in bicategories, Cahiers de topologie et g\'eom\'etrie diff\'erentielle 21 (1980) 111--160; MR81f:18028.
15. (with W. Tholen,
M. Wischnewsky, and H. Wolff) Semi-topological
functors III: lifting of monads and adjoint functors, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 16
(1980) 299--314; MR81g:18003.
16. Notions of topos, Bulletin
Australian Math. Soc. 23 (1981)
199--208; MR83a:18014.
17. Conspectus of variable
categories, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 21 (1981) 307--338; MR84i:18006.
18. [see 85] Cauchy
characterization of enriched categories, Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico
e Fisico di Milano 51 (1981) 217--233; MR85e:18006; pdf
19. Two
dimensional sheaf theory, J. Pure
Appl. Algebra 23 (1982) 251--270;
20. Characterization of
bicategories of stacks, Lecture Notes in
Math. 962 (1982) 282--291;
21. Enriched categories and cohomology, Quaestiones
Math. 6 (1983) 265--283;
22. (with R. Betti,
A. Carboni, and R. Walters) Variation through
enrichment, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 29 (1983) 109--127; MR85e:18005. Amplification of the Proof
of Proposition 5.
23. Absolute colimits in enriched
categories, Cahiers de topologie et g\'eom\'etrie diff\'erentielle 24 (1983) 377--379; MR85i:18001.
24. The family approach to total cocompleteness and toposes, Transactions American Math. Soc. 284 (1984) 355--369; MR85f:18003.
25. Homotopy
classification by diagrams of interlocking sequences, Math. Colloquium University of Cape Town 13 (1984) 83--120; MR86i:55025; pdf.
26. (with A. Carboni
and S. Kasangian) Bicategories of spans and
relations, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 33 (1984) 259--267; MR86f:18013.
27. (with A. Carboni)
Order ideals in categories, Pacific J.
Math. 124 (1986) 275--288;
28. (with S. Schanuel)
The free adjunction, Cahiers de topologie et g\'eom\'etrie diff\'erentielle cat\'egoriques 27 (1986) 81--83; MR87f: 18005.
29. (with B.J. Day) Categories in
which all strong generators are dense, J.
Pure Appl. Algebra 43 (1986)
235--242; MR88m:18013.
30. The algebra of oriented
simplexes, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 49 (1987) 283--335; MR89a:18019; (2.2Mb
pdf; see [52] for a correction).
31. Correction to "Fibrations in bicategories", Cahiers de topologie et g\'eom\'etrie diff\'erentielle cat\'egoriques 28 (1987) 53--56; MR88i: 18004.
32. (with D. Schumacher) Some
parametrized categorical concepts, Communications
in Algebra 16 (1988) 2313--2347; MR89k:18001.
33. Fillers for nerves, Lecture Notes in Math. 1348 (1988) 337--341; MR89m:18011.
34. (with B.J. Day) Localisation of locally presentable categories, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 58 (1989) 227-- 233; MR90g:18012.
35. (with G.J. Bird, G.M. Kelly,
and A.J. Power) Flexible limits for 2-categories, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 61
(1989) 1--27; MR91a:18009.
36. (with B.J. Day) Localisation of locally presentable categories II, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 63 (1990) 225--229; MR91h:18007.
37. (with A. Joyal)
The geometry of tensor calculus I, Advances in
Math. 88 (1991) 55--112; MR92d:18011.
38. (with A. Joyal)
Tortile Yang-Baxter operators in tensor categories, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 71
(1991) 43--51; MR92e:18006.
39. Quantum Groups : an entree to
modern algebra (Notes from a Graduate Lecture Course March-June 1990; nearly
all available as html or ps).
40. (with A. Joyal)
An introduction to Tannaka
duality and quantum groups; Part II of
Category Theory, Proceedings, Como 1990 (Editors A. Carboni,
M.C. Pedicchio and G. Rosolini)
Lecture Notes in Math. 1488 (Springer-Verlag Berlin,
Heidelberg 1991) 411--492; MR93f:18015.
41. Parity complexes, Cahiers de topologie
et g\'eom\'etrie diff\'erentielle cat\'egoriques 32 (1991) 315--343; MR93f:18014 (also see [52]
below and Simon Forest's paper at
42. (with A. Joyal)
Pullbacks equivalent to pseudopullbacks, Cahiers de topologie
et g\'eom\'etrie diff\'erentielle cat\'egoriques 34 (1993) 153--156; MR94a:18004.
43. (with G. Janelidze
and D. Schumacher) Galois theory in variable categories, Applied Categorical Structures 1
(1993) 103--110; MR94k:18011.
44. (with A. Joyal)
Braided tensor categories, Advances in
Math. 102 (1993) 20--78; MR94m:18008; for earlier version see "Other widely circulated output ix" below.
45. Categorical structures, Handbook of Algebra Volume 1 (editor M. Hazewinkel; Elsevier
Science, Amsterdam 1996; ISBN 0 444 82212 7) 529--577; pdf.
46. (with A. Carboni,
S. Johnson and D. Verity) Modulated bicategories, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 94
(1994) 229--282; MR96f:18008.
47. (with R. Gordon and A.J.
Power) Coherence for tricategories, Memoirs
of the American Math. Society 117
(1995) Number 558 (ISBN 0-8218-0344-1); MR96j:18002.
48. Higher categories, strings,
cubes and simplex equations, Applied
Categorical Structures 3 (1995)
29--77 & 303; MR96b:18009; pdf.
49. (with A. Joyal)
The category of representations of the general linear groups over a finite
field, J. Algebra 176 (3) (1995) 908--946; MR96k:20082.
50. Ideals, radicals, and
structure of additive categories, Applied
Categorical Structures 3 (1995)
139--149; MR96e:18003; pdf.
51. (with A. Joyal
and D. Verity) Traced monoidal categories, Mathematical
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 119 (3) (1996) 425--446; MR96m:18014. [Related documents: Amy
Young’s project and].
52. Parity complexes: corrigenda,
Cahiers de topologie
et g\'eom\'etrie diff\'erentielle cat\'egoriques 35 (1994) 359--361; MR95j:18005.
53. (with A. Joyal)
The geometry of tensor calculus II (draft document, also see
(xii) below).
54. (with D. Verity) Surface
diagrams for tricategories; superseded by
M. McIntyre and T. Trimble, The geometry of Gray-categories, Advances in Math. (withdrawn; but see
55. (with B. Day) Kan extensions
along promonoidal functors, Theory and Applications of Categories 1 (4)
(1995) 72--78; MR96a:18003.
56. (with P. Freyd)
On the size of categories, Theory and
Applications of Categories 1 (9) (1995) 174--178; MR96m:18004.
57. Low-dimensional topology and
higher-order categories, Proceedings of
CT95, Halifax, 9-15 July 1995; pdf.
58. Fusion operators and cocycloids in monoidal categories, Applied Categorical Structures 6
(2) (Special Issue on ``Quantum Groups, Hopf
Algebras and Category Theory'', ed. A. Verschoren,
1998) 177--191; MR99d:18008; pdf.
59. Descent theory (notes of
three lectures presented at Oberwolfach, September 1995); pdf.
60. (with B.J. Day) Monoidal
bicategories and Hopf algebroids, Advances in
Math. 129 (1997) 99--157; MR99f:18013; Remark
on Example 11.
61. (with Renato Betti and Dietmar Schumacher) Factorizations in
bicategories, Dipartimento di Matematica,
Politecnico di Milano, n. 22/R (May 1999); draft
20 Nov. 1997.
62. (with P.J. Freyd, P.W. O'Hearn, A.J. Power,
M. Takeyama, and R.D. Tennent) Bireflectivity, Theoretical
Computer Science 228 (1-2) (1999) 49--76; MR2000i:68110.
63. The quantum double and
related constructions, J. Pure Appl.
Algebra 132 (1998) 195--206;
64. The role of Michael Batanin’s monoidal globular categories, in: ``Higher
Category Theory'' (editors E. Getzler and M. Kapranov) Contemporary
Mathematics 230 (A.M.S. 1998) 99--116;
MR 2000a:18006.
65. (see [110]) Parenthetic
remarks (preprint, pdf).
66. (with M. Batanin)
The universal property of the multitude of trees, J. Pure Appl.
Algebra 154 (2000) 3--13; MR2001f:18014.
67. (with G. Janelidze)
Galois theory in symmetric monoidal categories, Macquarie Mathematics Report 98/235 (April 1998); preliminary
announcement in Seminarberichte aus dem Fachbereich Mathematik, Band 63, Teil 3 (1998) 365-375; Journal of
Algebra 220 (1999) 174--187; MR2000h:18017.
68. Braids among the groups Seminarberichte aus dem Fachbereich Mathematik, Band 63, Teil 5 (1998) 699--703.
69. The petit topos
of globular sets, J. Pure Appl.
Algebra 154 (2000) 299--315; MR2001f:18008. A point of correction.
70. (with G.M. Kelly, A. Labella
and V. Schmitt) Categories enriched on two sides, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 168
(1) (8 March 2002) 53--98; MR2003f:18006 pdf.
71. (with S. Lack) The formal
theory of monads II, J. Pure Appl.
Algebra 175 (1-3) (2002) 243--265;
MR2003m:18007 ps.gz.
72. (with B.J. Day) Lax monoids,
pseudo-operads, and convolution, in:
"Diagrammatic Morphisms and Applications", Contemporary Mathematics 318
(AMS; ISBN 0-8218-2794-4; April 2003) 75--96; MR2004c:18011; pdf.
73. (with J. Bichon) Militaru's D-equation in monoidal categories, Applied Categorical Structures 11 (2003) 337--357; MR2004f:18011; ps.gz.
74. Functorial calculus in
monoidal bicategories, Applied
Categorical Structures 11 (2003)
219--227; MR2004f:18010; pdf.
75. (with B.J. Day and P.
McCrudden) Dualizations and antipodes, Applied
Categorical Structures 11 (2003)
229--260; MR2004b:18013; pdf.
76. Weak omega-categories, in: ``Diagrammatic
Morphisms and Applications'', Contemporary
Mathematics 318 (AMS; ISBN
0-8218-2794-4; April 2003) 207--213; MR 2004c:18008; pdf.
77. (with B.J. Day) Abstract
substitution in enriched categories, J.
Pure Appl. Algebra 179 (2003) 49--63;
MR2004d:18008; pdf.
78. (with A. Davydov)
Roots of unity as a Lie algebra, Georgian
Mathematical Journal 9(4) (2002)
683--690; MR2004c:18010 pdf.
79. (with B.J. Day) Quantum
categories, star autonomy, and quantum groupoids, in "Galois Theory, Hopf Algebras, and Semiabelian
Categories", Fields Institute
Communications 43 (American
Math. Soc. 2004) 187--226 (preprint pdf or math.CT/0301209).
80. Categorical and combinatorial
aspects of descent theory, Applied
Categorical Structures 12 (2004)
537--576 (preprint at pdf and math.CT/0303175; also see the supplementary expository article [o] below); MR2005h:18022.
81. The monoidal centre as a limit, Theory
and Applications of Categories 13(13)
(ed. G. Janelidze, S. Lack, F.W. Lawvere,
E.M. Vitale and R.J. Wood: volume dedicated to Aurelio Carboni
for his 60th birthday; 2004) 184--190 (old preprint pdf or even older version at math.CT/0304053); MR2005h:18027.
82. (with R. Buchweitz
and A. Davydov) The Gerstenhaber homotopy
in a monoidal bicategory (in preparation).
83. Frobenius
monads and pseudomonoids, J. Math. Physics 45(10) (October
2004) 3930--3948 (old preprint pdf); MR2005h:18026.
84. Monoidal actions, enriched
categories, and convolution (in preparation).
85. [see 18] Cauchy
characterization of enriched categories, Reprints in
Theory and Applications of Categories 4 (2004) 1--16.
86. An Australian conspectus of
higher categories, in: Towards Higher
Categories, edited by John C. Baez and J. Peter May, The IMA Volumes in
Mathematics and its Applications, Volume 152
(Springer, 2009) 237--264 (arising from the 2004
Summer Program: n-Categories: Foundations and Applications, 1-18 June 2004 at the IMA of the University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis); available at pdf.
87. (with Brian Day and Elango Panchadcharam) Lax braidings and
the lax centre, in ``Hopf Algebras and Generalizations'', Contemporary
Mathematics 441 (2007; pdf; details) 1--17.
88. [see 21] Enriched categories
and cohomology with author commentary, Reprints in
Theory and Applications of Categories 14 (2005) 1--18.
89. (with Brian Day) Centres of monoidal categories of functors, in ``Categories
in Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics'', Contemporary Mathematics 431
(2007) 187--202 (details).
90. [see 39] Quantum Groups: a path to current algebra, Australian
Math. Society Lecture Series 19
(Cambridge University Press; 18 January 2007; ISBN-978-0-521-69524-4).
91. (with Brian Day and Elango Panchadcharam) On centres and lax centres for promonoidal categories, Colloque International ``Charles Ehresmann : 100 ans Universit\'e de Picardie Jules Verne \`a Amiens 7-8-9 Octobre 2005'' <pdf>.
92. (with Eduardo Dubuc) A
construction of 2-filtered bicolimits of categories, Cahiers de topologie
et g\'eom\'etrie diff\'erentielle cat\'egoriques 47(2) (2006) 83--106 <arXiv:0605304>; Corrections 62(2) (2021) 239--242.
93. (with Elango
Panchadcharam) Mackey functors on compact closed
categories, Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures
2(2) (2007) 261--293;
94. (with Elango
Panchadcharam) Pullback and finite coproduct
preserving functors between categories of permutation representations, Theory and Applications of Categories 16(28)
(2006) 771--784 <pdf>.
95. (with Elango
Panchadcharam) Pullback and finite coproduct
preserving functors between categories of permutation representations:
corrigendum and addendum, Theory and
Applications of Categories, 18(5)
(2007) 151--156 <pdf>.
96. (with Craig Pastro) Weak Hopf monoids in
braided monoidal categories, Algebra and
Number Theory 3(2) (2009) 149--207;
97. (with Craig Pastro) Closed categories, star-autonomy, and monoidal comonads, Journal of
Algebra 321(11) (1 June 2009)
3494--3520 (Special Issue in Honor of Gus Lehrer;
98. (with Craig Pastro) Doubles for monoidal categories, Theory and Applications of Categories 21(4) (2008) 61--75; pdf (also
99. (with Ignacio Lopez-Franco
and Richard Wood) Duals invert, Applied
Categorical Structures 19(1)
(February 2011) 321--362 (published
online 8 September 2009: (special
volume in memory of Max Kelly).
100. (with Ronald Brown) Covering
morphisms of crossed complexes and of cubical omega-groupoids are closed under
tensor product, Cahiers de topologie et g\'eom\'etrie diff\'erentielle cat\'egoriques 52(3)
(2011) 188--208 (also see
101. Weak distributive laws, Theory and Applications of Categories 22(12) (2009) 313--320; <>.
(with Micah Blake McCurdy) What separable Frobenius
monoidal functors preserve, Cahiers de topologie et g\'eom\'etrie diff\'erentielle cat\'egoriques 51(1) (2010) 29--50 (volume
celebrating Francis Borceux's '60th
(with Dimitri Chikhladze and Stephen Lack) Hopf monoidal comonads, Theory and
Applications of Categories 24(19) (2010) 554--563 ( ; also see
(with Dominic Verity) The comprehensive factorization and torsors,
Theory and Applications of Categories 23(3) (2010) 42--75; (in
the volume celebrating Dominique Bourn's 60th birthday; pdf).
(with Gabriella Boehm and Stephen Lack) Weak bimonads
and weak Hopf monads, Journal of Algebra 328
(2011) 1--30 (published online at; also see
(with Thomas Booker) Torsors, herds and flocks, Journal of Algebra 330 (2011) 346--374 (also see
(with Gabriella Boehm and Stephen Lack) On the 2-categories of weak
distributive laws, Communications in
Algebra 39(12) (2011) 4567--4583
(dedicated to Miriam Cohen; also see arXiv:1009.3454).
(with Gabriella Boehm, Thomas Booker, Brian Day and Stephen Lack) Separable
enriched categories and absolute ends (in preparation; handwritten, some typed).
(with Gabriella Boehm and Stephen Lack) Idempotent splittings,
colimit completions, and weak aspects of the theory of monads, Journal of
Pure and Applied Algebra 216(2) (2012) 385--403; also
see arXiv:1102.4931.
110. (see
[65]) Parenthetic remarks, in ``Associahedra, Tamari Lattices
and Related Structures'', Tamari Memorial Festschrift, editors F. Mueller-Hoissen, J. Pallo and J. Stasheff, Progress in
Mathematics 299 (Birkhauser, 29 June 2012) 251--268.
(with Thomas Booker) Tannaka duality and convolution
for duoidal categories, Theory and Applications of Categories 28(6) (2013)166--205.
112. The
core of adjoint functors, Theory and Applications of Categories 27(4) (2012) 47--64.
113. Monoidal
categories in, and linking, geometry and algebra, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society – Simon Stevin 19(5) (2012) 769--821 (see
114. Categories
in categories, and size matters, Higher
Structures 1(1) (2017)
115. (with
Stephen Lack) Skew monoidales, skew warpings and quantum categories, Theory and
Applications of Categories 26(15) (2012) 385--402.
Skew-closed categories, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 217(6) (June 2013) 973--988 (doi:
10.1016/j.jpaa.2012.09.020 published online 22 Oct 2012; also see
(with Stephen Lack) A skew-duoidal Eckmann-Hilton argument and quantum categories, Applied Categorical Structures 22 (2014) 789--803 (doi:
10.1007/s10485-013-9356-1; also see
(with Stephen Lack) Triangulations, orientals, and
skew-monoidal categories, Advances in
Math. 258 (2014) 351--396.
(with Mitchell Buckley, Richard Garner and Stephen Lack) The Catalan simplicial
set, Mathematical
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 158(2)
(March 2015) 211--222; early version at
120. (with
Stephen Lack) Combinatorial categorical equivalences of Dold-Kan
type, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 219 (2015) 4343--4367; somewhat corrected version at
121. (with
Stephen Lack) On monads and warpings, Cahiers de topologie
et g\'eom\'etrie diff\'erentielle cat\'egoriques 55 (2014) 244--266; pdf.
122. (with
Stephen Lack) Skew-monoidal reflection and lifting theorems, Theory and
Applications of Categories 30(28) (2015) 985--1000;
123. Kan
extensions and cartesian monoidal categories, Seminarberichte Mathematik 87 (FernUniversit\"at
in Hagen, 2015) 89--96; see
124. Pointwise
extensions and sketches in bicategories,
125. Weighted
tensor products of Joyal species, graphs, and
charades, SIGMA 12 (2016) 005, 20pp;
(with Hans-E. Porst) Generalizations of the Sweedler
dual, Applied Categorical Structures (in the volume to the memory of
Horst Herrlich) 24
(2016) 619--647.
(with Richard Garner) Coalgebras governing both weighted Hurwitz products and
their pointwise transforms, in: ``New trends in Hopf
algebras and tensor categories'', Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society
– Simon Stevin 23 (2016)
643--666; see
128. Wreaths,
mixed wreaths and twisted coactions, Tbilisi
Mathematical Journal (in the volume
in honour of Peter Freyd and Bill Lawvere) 10(3)
(2017) 1--22.
(with George Janelidze) Real sets, Tbilisi
Mathematical Journal (in the volume
in honour of Peter Freyd and Bill Lawvere) 10(3)
(2017) 23--49.
130. (with Branko Nikoli\'c) Comonadic base change for enriched categories, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 227(8) (2023) 1--29; also see
(with George Janelidze)
Infinitary addition, real numbers, and taut monads, Applied Categorical Structures 26(5) (2018) 1047--1064.
(with Branko Nikoli\'c) Hopf rings for
grading and differentials; see
Vector product and composition algebras in braided
monoidal additive categories, Commentationes Mathematicae
Universitatis Carolinae (in volume in memory of V\v{e}ra Trnkov\'a) 60(4) (2019) 581-604; also see
Polynomials as spans, Cahiers de topologie et g\'eom\'etrie diff\'erentielle cat\'egoriques 61(2)
(2020) 113--153; see
Span composition using fake pullbacks, Theory and Applications of Categories (in volume dedicated to Bob Rosebrugh) 36 (2021) 102--117; see
(see [120]; with
Stephen Lack) Corrigendum to ``Combinatorial
categorical equivalences of Dold-Kan type'', Journal of
Pure and Applied Algebra 224 (2020) 1364--1366; pdf.
(with Kevin Coulembier and
Michel van den Bergh) Freely adjoining monoidal duals, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 31 (Special Issue 7: The Power Festschrift ) (August 2021) 748--768; DOI:; also see
138. (with Branko Nikoli\'c) Monoidal centres
and groupoid-graded categories, Theory and Applications of Categories 40(1) (2024) 3--31 (in volume dedicated to Marta Bunge);
139. (with Branko Nikoli\'c and Giacomo Tendas) Cauchy
completeness for DG-categories, Theory and Applications of Categories 37(28) (2021)
940--963; see
140. Variation on a comprehensive theme, Theory and
Applications of Categories 37(29)
(2021) 964--978; see arXiv:2104.02887.
141. (with Alexei Davydov) Extensions and deformation cohomology of tensor categories (in preparation).
142. The
core groupoid can suffice, Theory and Applications of Categories 41(21) (2024)
686--706; also see
143. Wood
fusion and Thi\'ebaud
algebraicity, Theory and Applications of Categories 43(4) (2025) 68--92; (the Lawvere Festschrift); also see
144. Objective
Mackey and Tambara functors via parametrized
categories; see
Volumes Edited
George Janelidze, John MacDonald and Walter Tholen) Proceedings of CT2004 at UBC (Vancouver), Theory and Applications of
Categories 15.
Aurelio Carboni and George Janelidze)
Special Volume celebrating the 70th birthday of Professor Max Kelly,
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 175(1-3) (8 November 2002).
Jawad Abuhlail, Gabriella Boehm, Tomasz Brzezinski,
H. Peter Gumm, Salah-Eddine
Kabbaj and Robert Wisbauer)
"Interactions of Algebraic and Coalgebraic Structures (Theory and
Applications)" Arabian Journal for
Science and Engineering, Section C: Theme Issues 33(2 C) (December 2008).
Maria Manuel Clementino and Samson Abramsky) Special Issues devoted to CT2007
at Carvoeiro (Algarve, Portugal):
a) "Topology and Homotopy" Applied
Categorical Structures 17(3)
(June 2009)
b) "Semi-abelian
Categories" Applied Categorical
Structures 17(4) (August 2009)
c) "Toposes
and Functor Categories" Applied
Categorical Structures 18(2) (April
d) "Enriched and Higher
Categories" Applied Categorical
Structures 18(3) (June 2010).
Martin Hyland, George Janelidze, Michael Johnson,
Peter Johnstone, Stephen Lack, Walter Tholen and
Richard Wood) Special Issue: Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Gregory
Maxwell Kelly, Applied Categorical
Structures 19(1) (February
(with Marino
Gran, Maria Manuel Clementino, Manuela Sobral and
Walter Tholen) Special Issue celebrating the 60th
birthday of George Janelidze: Applied Categorical Structures 22
(with Bernhard
Banaschewski, Maria Manuel Clementino, Eva Colebunders, George Janelidze and
Walter Tholen) Special Issue dedicated to Professor
Robert Lowen: Applied
Categorical Structures 26(5) (2018).
Volume Dedicated
in Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics", Conference and Workshop in
honor of Ross Street's 60th Birthday, Macquarie University 11-16
July 2005 and Australian National University 18-21 July 2005; edited by Alexei Davydov, Michael Batanin, Michael
Johnson, Stephen Lack and Amnon Neeman; Contemporary Mathematics 431 (American Math. Society, 2007).
Expository Articles
Geometry using painting, Parabola 10 #2
(1974) 8--13.
Numbers from space, Reflections 7 (Math. Assoc. of NSW, 1982) 8--10.
c. An
efficient construction of the real numbers, Gazette
Australian Math. Soc. 12 (1985)
57--58. Click here for a full version (jointly with Vacation
Scholars James Douglas, Rony Kirollos, Ben Odgers and
Nguyen Hanh Vo; February 2004) including the original article. There is also
the older September 2003 update.
d. The
mathematics of knots, Reflections 21 (4) (Math. Assoc. of NSW, 1996) 12--21.
e. Bicategories and 2-categories, Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Supplement II (ed. M. Hazewinkel;
Kluwer Academic, 2000) 65--67.
f. Higher-dimensional categories; n-categories, Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Supplement II (ed. M. Hazewinkel;
Kluwer Academic, 2000) 254--257.
Consequences of splitting idempotents (November 1996, notes; pdf); Addendum
h. Branches of higher dimensional algebra, Talk at Aust Math Soc
Conference at the University of Sydney (30 September 1998)
i. Rationals, reals, complexes! What next? (Blakers Lecture, National Mathematics Summer School, 18
January 1999; it is a talk about quaternions)
j. Trees,
permutations and the tangent function, Reflections
27 (2) (Math. Assoc. of NSW, May
2002) 19--23; pdf and math.HO/0303267; beamer version.
Powerful functors; pdf
l. The
3-cocycle condition; pdf
m. Formal
representation theory, Invited talk at the Fields Institute (Toronto, Canada,
September 2002); audio and lecture notes.
n. Lack's lemma on comma
Lecture at ICIAM 2003 (11 July 2003) "Categorical and combinatorial
aspects of descent theory", 2003ICIAM.pdf (while this is intended to be
self-contained, it is supplementary to [80] above).
Monoidal categories for the combinatorics of group representations; pdf
q. Frobenius algebras and monoidal categories, Lecture at the Annual Meeting
of the Australian Math. Soc. (29 September 2004).
r. Bicategories
t. Talk to Macquarie Philosophy Students' Society
u. Sculptured Journey, aMUSine Issue 8:
v. Duality and well pointedness
w. Euler’s polyhedron formula and Platonic solids
Book Reviews
I. Review of: J.W. Gray, Formal
Category Theory: Adjointness for 2-Categories
(Lecture Notes in Math. 391,
Springer 1974); in Mathematical Reviews
51#8207 (April 1976) 1153.
II. Review of: Kirill Mackenzie, Lie Groupoids and Lie Algebroids in Differential Geometry (London
Math. Soc. Lecture Note Series No.124,
Cambridge University Press 1987); in Gazette
Australian Math. Soc. 16#3 (June
1989) 66--68.
III. Review of: Colin McLarty, Elementary Categories, Elementary Toposes
(Oxford University Press 1992); in Zentralblatt f\"ur Mathematik 762 (12) (1993) #18001.
IV. Review of: Robert Gordon, G-Categories (Memoirs Amer. Math. Soc. 101 (1993) #482); in Mathematical
Reviews MR# 93f:18003.
V. Review of: Frederick Chong and Ronald J. Andrews, A View of Mathematics: Big Picture Plus
Close-ups (The Mathematical Association of New South Wales, March 1995), Gazette Australian Math. Soc. 23 (5) (1996) 214--215.
VI. Review of: David N. Yetter, Functorial knot theory: Categories of
tangles, coherence, categorical deformations, and topological invariants (Series
on Knots and Everything 26, World
Scientific, Singapore, 2001): in Bulletin
of the London Mathematical Society 35
(2003) 137--139.
VII. Review of: Tom Leinster, Higher
Operads, Higher Categories, (London Math. Soc.
Lecture Note Series 298, Cambridge
University Press 2004); in Mathematical
Reviews MR2094071.
VIII. Review of: Peter T. Johnstone, Sketches of an elephant. A topos theory
compendium. I and II (Oxford Logic Guides 44; Oxford Science Publications. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2002); in
Zentralblatt f\"ur Mathematik Zbl 1071.18002.
IX. Review of: Steve Awodey, Category
Theory (Oxford Logic Guides 49;
Oxford University Press (2006) 256 pp.); in Zentralblatt f\"ur Mathematik
Zbl 1100.18001.
X. Review of: Eckmann-Tierney eds: Seminar on Triples and Categorical Homology
Theory (Repr. Theory Appl. Categ. No. 18 (2008) 303 pp.); in Mathematical Reviews MR2410935 (2009m:18005).
XI. Review of: Jean-Pierre Marquis, From a geometrical point of view. A study of the history and philosophy of category theory (Logic,
Epistemology, and the Unity of Science 14:
Springer, Dordrecht, 2009); in Mathematical
Reviews MR2730089.
XII. Review of: John C. Baez, Aristide Baratin,
Laurent Freidel and Derek K. Wise:
Infinite-dimensional representations of 2-groups, (Memoirs American Math. Soc. 219(1032)); in Mathematical Reviews MR2978538.
XIII. Review of: Marco Grandis, Homological
algebra. The interplay of homology with distributive lattices and orthodox
semigroups. (Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific, 2012); in Zentralblatt f\"ur Mathematik
Zbl 1280.18001.
XIV. Review of: Nick Gurski, Coherence
in Three-Dimensional Category Theory, Cambridge Tracts in
Mathematics 201 (CUP, 2013); in Zentralblatt fuer Mathematik.
XV. Review of: Daniel Sch\"appi, The Formal Theory of Tannaka
Duality, Ast\'erisque 357 (Soci\'et\'e
Math\'ematique de France, 2013); in Zentralblatt f\"ur Mathematik.
XVI. Review
of: Paul Balmer and Ivo Dell’Ambrogio, Mackey 2-functors and Mackey 2-motives, Monographs in Math. (Eur. Math. Soc. 2020); in Mathematical Reviews MR4192744.
celebration of Professor Chong's eightieth birthday, Reflections 24 (2) (May,
1999) 2—3; also see Review V.
Obituaries and biographies
Frederick Chong, Gazette Austral. Math.
Society 26 #4 (October 1999)
211--213; pdf.
G. Maxwell Kelly, "Polymath revelled in the
mystery of numbers" Sydney
Morning Herald (Timelines 11 April 2007).
Professor G. Maxwell Kelly, Gazette Austral. Math. Society 34
#2 (May 2007) 94--96.
(with W.
Chen and K. Matthews) Dr Peter Pleasants, Gazette
Austral. Math. Society 35 #3 (July
2008) 162--165.
Maxwell Kelly 1930-2007", Historical Records of
Australian Science 21(2) (CSIRO Publishing,
2010) 237--251.
John Day 16 January 1945 - 16 June 2012", Gazette
Austral. Math. Society 40 #2 (May 2013) 99--101.
"Chong, Frederick (Fred) (1915–1999)", Obituaries
Australia, National
Centre of Biography (Australian National University).
Other widely circulated output
i. The universal property of the representation functor (1972).
(editor, with G.M. Kelly) Abstracts of
the Sydney Category Seminar 1972. (First printing at Univ. of NSW; second at Macquarie
iii. The calculus of modules (1976).
iv. Topos theory: Survey (1978), Notes for a senior algebra course (1978), Lectures at Monash Univ. (Jan 1974), Topic list at Christchurch New Zealand (Nov 2004).
v. The comprehensive construction of free colimits, Macquarie Math. Reports 79000 (1979).
vi. (see
[104]) One-dimensional non-abelian cohomology, Macquarie Math. Reports 810024 (1981).
vii. An
unpublished theorem of P.J. Freyd and R. Street
discussed with attribution in [G.M. Kelly and V. Koubek,
The large limits that all good categories admit, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 22 (1981)
(with B.J. Day) An additive Giraud theorem (1984).
ix. (with
A. Joyal) Braided monoidal categories, Macquarie Math Reports 860081 (1986); Macquarie Math Reports 850067 (1985).
x. Gray's tensor product of 2-categories (February 1988).
xi. A
construction of the Azumaya complex, on page 116 of
``The Azumaya complex of a commutative ring'' by J.W.
Duskin, Lecture
Notes in Math. 1348 (1988)107--117;
(with A. Joyal) Planar diagrams and tensor algebra (1988).
Higher descent structures, Geometric and Logical Aspects of Descent Theory
17.09.-23.09.1995 (Tagungsbericht 38/1995, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut
xiv. Higher-dimensional nerves (handwritten notes, 1982).
Other material.
A. (with
S. Eilenberg) Rewrite systems, algebraic structures, and higher-order
categories (handwritten manuscripts; for example).
B. (with
G.J. Bird, G.M. Kelly and A.J. Power) Explicit formulas for the strict
reflections of pseudo and lax natural transformations.
C. The Tannakian adjunction.
D. Complex functorial analysis
F. Complete objects relative to a theory (June 1976)
G. Understanding Steiner (8 October 1990)
I. Synthetic Plane Projective Geometry (Lecture Notes, 1971)
J. Note on Hall's Marriage Theorem
K. Skew monads